- Feb 27, 2018
ACT Government must commit to upgrading one of Canberra's most dangerous intersections
The ACT Government must commit now to implementing expert-recommended safety improvements to the intersection of Ginninderra and Tillyard...
- Feb 21, 2018
Government should prioritise traffic safety measures at dangerous intersection
Wednesday February 21, 2018 The Labor-Greens government should prioritise in its upcoming budget the safety of motorists traveling the...
- Feb 2, 2018
ACT government fails to improve traffic safety at dangerous intersection
I have battled with the ACT government to act on a question West Belconnen residents have asked for years: when will the safety of the...
- Feb 2, 2018
Traffic safety measures desperately needed at dangerous intersection
The dangerous intersection of Tillyard and Ginninderra Drives desperately needs traffic safety measures to prevent future car accidents,...
- Oct 12, 2017
Overdue study to improve traffic study should be released
Another accident that left a car on its side and delayed traffic for an hour at the intersection of Tillyard and Ginninderra Drives...
- Feb 9, 2017
Isaac Delivers to feel included in Canberra community
Life can be tough for Isaac, who has an intellectual disability and struggles with basic learning and communication skills, but that...