ACT Government must commit to upgrading one of Canberra's most dangerous intersections
The ACT Government must commit now to implementing expert-recommended safety improvements to the intersection of Ginninderra and Tillyard Drives, Liberal MLA for Ginninderra Elizabeth Kikkert has said.

“I personally witnessed the aftermath of two more car crashes at this intersection just last week”, Mrs Kikkert explained. “Thankfully, it was only the vehicle that was harmed in Tuesday’s crash, but the accident on Thursday resulted in one of the drivers being sent to hospital.
“For a long time, the residents of West Belconnen have been all too familiar with the risks posed by this intersection and have pleaded with their government to finally do something about it. I first raised concerns with the ACT Government on this topic in April 2015, and I followed that up with a petition that attracted more than 1,300 signatures.
“Minister Fitzharris responded to my petition by informing me that a feasibility study and preliminary sketch plan had been commissioned. We now have that study”, Mrs Kikkert said, “and it fully supports what we have known for years.
“The experts report that this intersection is already at or even over capacity during both AM and PM peak traffic. During site visits, the engineers actually witnessed several near misses, and they also observed that the setting sun obstructs the vision of westbound traffic.
“The feasibility study openly recommends that this intersection be upgraded to traffic signals now and suggests that further upgrades will probably be needed in the near future.
“If the ACT Government genuinely values the safety of Canberrans, they will make a clear commitment not to ignore or delay the implementation of this expert recommendation”, Mrs Kikkert concluded.