Mar 21, 2019
Cancellation of No. 3 Bus Route
Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I thank the ANU students who are with us today. I have presented a petition signed by 1,128 Canberra...

Mar 21, 2019
The importance of promoting tolerance and inclusion in the ACT
Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I thank Mr Petterson for bringing this matter of public importance before the Assembly today. On many prior...

Mar 21, 2019
Monaro Portuguese School and more support for community language schools in the ACT
In the ACT, we are lucky to have a large number of community language schools committed to preserving and even expanding the use of...

Mar 21, 2019
Living multiculturalism and supporting the Welcoming Cities network
The Canberra Liberals are proud of Australia’s multicultural history. Currently, three of the eleven Liberal MLAs in the ACT Assembly are...

Mar 21, 2019
Harmony Day and the importance of promoting tolerance and inclusion
Today the ‘matter of public importance’ debated in the Assembly was the importance of promoting tolerance and inclusion in the ACT. On...

Mar 21, 2019
Monaro Portuguese School
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Last month we observed International Mother Language Day. This day has its origin in the Bengali Language...

Mar 20, 2019
Older Canberrans
Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I thank Ms Lawder for bringing this very important motion before the Assembly today. I rise today to speak...

Mar 20, 2019
Better disability support for CALD Canberrans
According to the 2016 census, 26.4 percent of Canberra’s residents are migrants. Although those born overseas have the same rate of...

Mar 20, 2019
Rising number of dog attacks need to be addressed
As government statistics clearly show, the number of reported dog attacks in Canberra keeps going up and up whilst the resources to deal...

Mar 19, 2019
Condolences to Christchurch community
Last night I attended a vigil and prayer meeting at the Canberra Islamic Centre in recognition of the senseless tragedy that took place...