Aug 26, 2020
2020 Valedictory Speech
In my final speech of the Ninth Assembly today, I thanked the residents of the Ginninderra Electorate for asking me to represent them. My...

Aug 19, 2020
Looking Forward to a Liberal Government
Most Canberrans want this city to be the best place to live, work, and raise a family. Under Labor and the Greens, our combined tax...

Aug 12, 2020
Adoption Amendment Bill 2020
Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I sincerely thank the minster for the work that she, her staff, and all others involved have put into...

Aug 12, 2020
Alexander Arnel’s 100th
Alexander Arnel of Page celebrated his 100th birthday on 2 April this year. I greatly enjoyed meeting Alex and his daughter recently and...