Dryland Ovals
Ginninderra’s dryland ovals are an important feature of our area. Ginninderra has the same amount of dryland ovals as the entire south side of Canberra.
Therefore, it is integral that there is quality community consultation whenever there is a movement to modify them in any way, so I was pleased to speak in support of this motion to ensure consultation happens. This motion is particularly relevant to users of the Florey oval who have been clamouring for improvements to their oval for quite some time.
After more than 20 years in government, effective consultation is still not a strong suit of this government. In recent times, it has taken significant community pressure to bring them to the negotiating table. Examples of this include the decision to shut the green waste on Parkwood Road and to avoid in-person consultation with residents near the William Hovel Drive duplication.
It was only through persistent and united community action that the government was forced to listen and take into account residents wishes.
This motion will protect our dryland ovals from potentially unwanted government or private development.
Click on this arrow to read my speech.
