Night-time Economy

Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I thank Ms Castley for bringing this motion before the Assembly today. A strong night-time economy adds vibrancy and distinctiveness to a location. It nurtures the creative and artistic industries, without which cities become sterile and soulless. It also helps to foster social cohesion and a sense of inclusion as we spend time together enjoying shared pursuits and pleasures. Most of what we would label ‘culture’ takes place in our lives during evenings and on weekends.
As Covid restrictions have reminded us, without the ability to gather for social and cultural pursuits, life becomes stark and lonely. And of course, those who work in the night-time economy have been disproportionately impacted by lockdowns and restrictions over the past 20 months. These workers are not few, either, making up two in every 15 people employed in Canberra. Clearly, for the sake of literally everyone involved, it is time now to supercharge the recovery of our city’s night-time economy.
This motion calls for two simple, common-sense measures to be implemented over the next few months to encourage more Canberrans back into town centres and thereby give a boost to the more than 1,800 businesses that make up Canberra’s core night-time economy. One, make ACT Government parking free after 6pm and on weekend. Two, make all public transport free after 6pm and on weekends as well.
Supporting businesses and events through free public transport is something the government already does. Eight years ago, when I took my children to the Governor-General’s Centenary Family Picnic Day, our bus ride was free. The government supports sporting events at Bruce Stadium and Manuka Oval with free public transport, and free buses are available on Anzac Day and Australia Day. Currently, public transport is free in Canberra for anyone travelling to a vaccination clinic. In this context, a period of free travel at night and on weekends is the support we want to offer to Canberrans and will give a boost to our night-time economy.
As a member for Ginninderra, I am keen to see lockdown-impacted businesses in the Belconnen Town Centre and across the rest of my electorate prosper. I want to see thriving cafes, restaurants, cinemas, performing arts centres, clubs, and takeaways. I hope to see entrepreneurs with dreams succeed as they launch new endeavours.
Business owners and their employees have paid a terrible price during this pandemic – as have musicians, actors, and other artists – and the entire community has been impacted. Those at the core of this city’s night-time economy have shouldered a very large share of this burden. This motion calls on the ACT Government to honour their sacrifice in a small way. Let’s do everything we can for a few months to make it easier and more attractive for Canberrans to have a night out and support local businesses.
Madam Speaker, I commend this motion to the Assembly.