Canberra Liberals lead Barr Government on stronger health laws
The Canberra Liberals are delighted to have steered the ACT government into finally considering the Prime Minister’s proposal for uniform “No Jab, No Play” laws, preventing unvaccinated children from enrolling in childcare centres. This stance is essential and it’s troubling that the ACT government was hesitant on the issue, Shadow Minister for Families Elizabeth Kikkert said today.
“‘No Jab, No Play’ is good public policy that enjoys bipartisan support at the federal level and has universal support from the medical community,” Mrs Kikkert said.
“Naturally it left quite a few people scratching their heads when ACT Minister for Health Meegan Fitzharris refused to speak up in support of this measure in a recent ABC Radio interview. As a result, I yesterday tabled a motion calling on the ACT government to clarify and clearly state its support.
“The success of childhood immunisation programs is a modern miracle and most parents want to do the right thing for their children and for the community. Sometimes, however, they need to be reminded of how important something like staying current with immunisations is.
“The ‘No Jab, No Play’ policy clearly communicates this importance, and so does yesterdays result in the Legislative Assembly. Ms Fitzharris’s office worked directly with my office to amend my original motion to the satisfaction of both sides, and the motion passed with full bipartisan support from the Canberra Liberals and ACT Labor.”
“This is a significant win for the territory’s children,” Mrs Kikkert concluded.
