Save South West Evatt Oval
This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that:
the South West Evatt Oval is an important open greenspace regularly used by a broad range of community members, and has been so far decades;
a recent proposal for a security fence around Miles Franklin Primary School includes also erecting a fence around the South West Evatt Oval; and
fencing off this oval would significantly decrease its value by limiting access, harming its visual appeal and interfering with its established functions.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call upon the ACT Government to:
reject any proposal to erect a fence around the South West Evatt Oval; and
ensure that any security fence around Miles Franklin Primary School:
be set back far enough from existing fencing, housing and shared paths to avoid creating bottlenecks or potentially unsafe 'corridors', or spoiling views from nearby houses; and
include multiple entry points around its perimeter.