Canberra is a wonderfully multicultural city. Thirty-two per cent of us are migrants, and more than half of us have at least one parent who was born overseas. Our city is enriched by this exciting mixture of cultures, languages and faiths.
As Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, I have the privilege of spending time with people and community groups from all kinds of backgrounds. I honour their efforts in supporting individuals and strengthening our community. I have learnt much from all of these interactions.
I am firm in my belief that cultural competency should be embedded in the provision of all essential government services. It is also important that our communities in harmonious and united.
I have spoken before the Assembly on a number of matters. These include:
Multicultural dimensions in the provision of mental health services
Delays in implementing the ACT Government's Multicultural Framework
Each year I host a reception for multicultural and faith leaders in the ACT. This year, the reception was held in honour of Harmony Day. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our diversity, to bridge community connections and to thank our community leaders for their tireless contributions to our vibrant and harmonious society.
During the summer of 2017–18, I sponsored a youth writing competition called Back to Your Roots. I designed it specifically to encourage young people to spend quality time with their families, learn more about their family history and then share their insights in creative ways. Youth of all ages from across the ACT made submissions and I was touched by all the entries received.
For more information, please visit www.back2yourroots.org.
Click here to view the winning entries.