All Canberra children will receive a tree on their first day of kindergarten as part of the Canberra Liberals’ plan to deliver one million trees to ensure a sustainable future for all.
A Canberra Liberals Government will give every child a voucher on their first day of kindergarten for a tree from a Canberra nursery of their choice.
Families can use the voucher to redeem a tree, or a pot plant if that is more suitable to their premises, to plant in their own backyard.
Visiting a local Canberra nursery, the ACT Liberals Leader Alistair Coe said it was about future-proofing the Bush Capital to ensure a sustainable future for the next generation.
“We’re committed to delivering real, practical and family-friendly action to protect our local environment and ensure a sustainable future for all generations,” Mr Coe said.
“We want all Canberra families to directly benefit from our plan to deliver one million trees.
“We’re backing families, the environment and small local businesses to ensure Canberra is the best place to live, work and raise a family,” Mr Coe said.
Ms Lee said many families will enjoy having a tree that grows old with their child.
“This is about encouraging our children to learn from a young age to care for the environment that cares for them,” Ms Lee said.
Giving all kinder kids a tree forms part of the Canberra Liberals’ plan deliver one million trees over the next decade. The Canberra Liberals have also promised to introduce a Green Space Guarantee to ensure precious green space within a 10-minute walk from every household.
By contrast, under 19 years of Labor, the number of street and community trees has gone backwards by around 3,000 trees each year, and tree canopy has been slashed from 30 per cent to 21 per cent.